Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Join The Celebration

A Devotional by Margot Cioccio

So this is A Devotional Mosaics 1 year Birthday. We will officially be one year old on Friday July 6th.

A year ago writing everyday seemed like such a monumental task.  It has become a very natural part of my life at this point. I still have days when it is hard to write but I have seen the Lord carry me through those days time and time again. Quite often what I've managed to share on those days has been what people later tell me really touched them.

So this month my posts will all have a celebration kind of theme to it. I might even come up with some downloadable party favors.

2 Samuel 6

21 David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel—I will celebrate before the Lord. 22 I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.”

This is a great story. Michal is the wife David was given as a reward to him for bringing down the the giant Goliath. She is the kings daughter and she is very disturbed by how David is celebrating the arc being brought back to Israel.  Sometimes we need to celebrate and dance like no ones watching. 

Ha - how cool. I just did a google search on Nehemiah and the celebrating the little victories along the way. Guess who's post was in the top four of the search....mine. Here a link to that post Don't Forget To Celebrate from September 21st of last year. 

Nehemiah was really good about celebrating the little victories along the way. They finished re-building a gate and they had a celebration. We celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and have holidays to commemorate historic events. Those things help us to be able to see how far we have come over a span of time. We may not have made it to our final destination but we did this part of the task and so we should celebrate. 

So I am celebrating all this month and I invite you to join me. I've set up a 1 Year Birthday Guest Book tab at the top of the page where you can go to be part of this celebration by leaving your comments or a donation. 

For the past year I have set aside time just about every day to spend at least an hour if not as much as three hours studying, researching, and writing these posts. That is a pretty big victory for me who has for years struggled to do anything daily. Almost all the posts have my own photos, or pictures of my cards or art work, that is also a great accomplishment. I've been asked to do a weekly post for Healing Stream Media on Fridays. I've had one article accepted by Tom Krauter of Training Resources that will be part of a subscription blog for Worship Leaders. I even get paid for that one. My articles are getting published almost monthly in The Grapevine a newsletter put out by my church. Even though my pastor says I need to learn the rules for commas. I participated and completed the April A-Z blogging challenge in April. All in all its been quite a year of writing and there are a number of things to celebrate. 

So I hope you join me this month for some virtual cake and punch. I created this virtual cake at a site called http://cakesy.com/ if you want you can create a cake and post it in the comments for this page. I would love to see your creation.  There is another on line cake decorating site http://www.theoworlds.com/birthday/ you can create a much more detailed cake there and post a link to it in the comments. I couldn't get the writing part to work but the decorating part was kind of fun.

Just a fun little way you can join in the celebration. Its ok if you just enjoy the pretty pink cake here on this page. 

Thanks for being part of the first year of 
A Devotional Mosaic! 
~ Margot

Prayer: Lord, help us to celebrate those smaller victories along the way. We may not have won the war or completed the larger task but we are thankful for what you have helped us to accomplish. Help us to be aware of your presence and your leading as you guide and direct us by your Holy Spirit.

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