Psalm 143:10
Teach me to do your will,
Teach me to do your will,
for you are my God;
may your good Spirit
lead me on level ground.
Today I was looking at other blogs to see what other bloggers are doing. I came across one that has a blogging A-Z challenge. How cool that it starts on April 1st. The challenge is to post almost everyday for the month of April something corresponding to the next alphabet letter. Except for April 1st you get Sundays off. The blogs post don't need to be more than 100 words. It sounds kind of fun particularly since I already write Monday - Friday. I suppose adding another day and having to choose my topic to correspond with a letter is not likely to kill me. So I just added my blog to the list of participants making me the 1429th on the list. They encourage each participant to also visit about 5 of the participating blogs each day. Its a good chance to see what others are doing and also for more people to become aware of what I'm doing. So how this will affect my readers. You will get some extra Saturday posts and one Sunday post. My topics or post title will somehow correspond to the daily letter.
So on to my post for today.
Today I was looking at the changes made to the blogger platform to see how the new changes would affect my daily blogging experience. One of the things that they added was a section that shows a couple of notable blogs. So I clicked on those to see what was notable about them. From there I clicked on the button that said "see more" and like Alice down the rabbits hole I found my self in an interesting adventure. I was first taken to a page with hundreds little photo snapshots of blogs of note. Click the link on the word snapshot to see what I saw. I went on to look at some of them it was at that point that I stumbled across the blogging A-Z challenge. So here is the question. Was this little adventure just a bit of my random distraction or was God leading me somehow in it? I could have done this any time but it is now just 2 days til the A-Z challenge starts for this year. I just think the timing is interesting - I could have done this little exploring adventure in May and would have missed the challenge and probably forgotten about it by next April. In my kind of scattered approach to life, I pay attention to the odd little things that I seem to accidentally stumble across. I have to think that God is leading because through the years I have accidentally sat next to some interesting and significant people at conferences. I've seen that chance conversation with a stranger at one of our feeds turn out to become one of my best friends. I have just come to believe that that answer that I need is often right around the next bend in the road.
I had an art teacher when I was in college who talked about how we should go with the accidents that happen in our art projects. She called them happy accidents. I guess I have carried that happy accident approach in to my life. Sometimes the stuff that seems like an accident turns out to be what makes a project really special. Quite often its the obstacles that we encounter that cause us to find some interesting solution. They push us in a direction of discovery that we would not have gone down with out having had to find a solution to some problem that we were facing. So I guess I have learned to be thankful for the challenges that come my way. It was the lions, bears, a giant and running around in the wilderness with a band of guys that prepared David to lead a nation. It was a bunch jerks, called brothers, a caravan of gypsy traders, getting sold into slavery, a lying woman, an un deserved stay in prison, and a chance to interpret the dreams of two fellow prisoners that prepared Joseph to become the second highest leader in the world of his day. I have to believe that in and through the difficulties we face in life God is leading and preparing us. He is using those things to mold and shape us into something unique and wonderful.
I 'm not saying that one needs to go looking for difficulties but rather than being all discouraged and down about the hand you've been dealt find a way to turn it into something wonderful. It is likely to be a journey - so how can you enjoy that journey. How can I allow my present difficulties to cause me to grow and to make me into one who over comes. I'm not sure how this chance stumble on to the blogging A-Z challenge will some how affect my future. It may be nothing more than a fun thing to do. Then again perhaps God will use it to lead some new people to discover this blog. Who knows what will happen but I think that the timing of finding it too interesting to not accredit it to Gods leading and guiding.
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God;
may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
Dear Lord,
Thank you for the things you bring across our path and into our notice. Thank you for those chance meetings and for the happy accidents. Thank you for those trials and hardships that have allowed us to become strong and to have to push beyond our normal limits to overcome. Thank you that you use those things and so many things that may seem so ordinary that we often over look them and pass them off as just random chance encounters. Thank you that you are leading and guiding our steps day by day. Thank you that you do order the steps of the righteous. (Psalm 37:23) Thank you that through Jesus we are righteous not by our own merit by though His.